Sunday 23 November 2014


So close to the stars, When I left Japan I gazed with so many memories. My thoughts had indulged in all the regrets and futures I had. All the dreams. And up in the sky your so high and yoou see all these twinkling lights and you think. Look at how small that person, how small an house when the earth is so big. and I looked outside at the stars and I just stared, there is so much that I can never understand.

Friday 21 November 2014


It feels like recently I've been waiting. For everything to fall back into place but the truth is that life continues on without me and I don't know how to get back on track. The days are cloudy and it's supposed to be summer, the air feels melancholy. I failed my english exam but all I feel is a longing to go back and fix my mistakes up. One of the best days was The year 10 Dinner dance and it was such a night with countless pictures and laughs. The beach has been my recluse recently, I have spent hours there swimming, soaking up the sun - Just relaxing. It's time to stop waiting. 

Tuesday 11 November 2014

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